• 13 Mai 2024, IJCLab Auditorium P. Lehmann – Bât. 200

https://indico.ijclab.in2p3.fr/event/10614/             Lein zoom disponible sur la page indico.

Alberto Quaranta (INFN de Trento): “R&D on detecteor development at INFN”

INFN has a well-established tradition in the study and development of innovative radiation detectors for experiments in high-energy and nuclear physics. This achievement extends from the initial stages of research to the final production of sophisticated apparatuses not available on the market. In recent years, alongside INFN’s interest in radiation detectors, there has been an expansion into dosimeters, detectors for space applications, and ultimately quantum sensors for detecting axions or physical quantities with precision beyond quantum limits. The seminar will provide an overview of the main R&D activities in this sector, also describing the development and production stages of the apparatuses.